mobyFleet. Системы мониторинга местоположения объектов
Positioning Systems
Русская версия
Contact details
Phone: +7 (925) 517 59 74
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Address: Mr. Dmitry Ivanov
Kostroma, 156009, Russian Federation


     Our Company employs the best professionals in R&D, implementing and utilization of Automatic vehicle Location systems based on GPS navigation and GPRS communication. We have built the system to give the final user the possibility to manage the Company fleet in real on-line mode.

     To arrange the best possible service we have developed our own software system. To adjust and make the appropriate hardware work with our software we have our own method how to program the hardware. We have good relations with R&D of hardware manufacturers to obtain the best result.

     We provide the Client with the Fleet Management service which is tuned up individually. The reliability of our service is highest possible. 365 days in a year, 7 days in a week, 24 hours in a day. All you need is a PC with an Internet connection.

     You could run our software at multiple computers together at the same time.

     The software is installed, used, supported and automatically updated always free of charge.

     Our main target is to make you easier manage your Fleet. We do our best to make our service more comfortable, cheaper, and more adjusted to individual needs. Our service work much better with hardware made by Pointer Tellocation Ltd.

IT Solutions
Copyright: Mr. Dmitry Ivanov, 2009-2025
Contact details Рейтинг