mobyFleet. Системы мониторинга местоположения объектов
Positioning Systems
Русская версия
Fleet Managment System

Contact details
Phone: +7 (925) 517 59 74
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Address: Mr. Dmitry Ivanov
Kostroma, 156009, Russian Federation



      The monitoring system means direct supervision over object in real time that demands presence of the channel of a two-way communication between the equipment, located on object, and point of reception, processing, storage and information delivery. As such channel almost all known systems of a mobile radio communication are used: trunking, paging, cellular, space. The communication channel choice is caused by territory on which objects of system of monitoring are maintained. Cellular communication systems and though they have been least adapted until recently for construction of system of monitoring under technical and price characteristics are most widely applied, their one advantage blocked all lacks – global distribution within habitats of the person. Today, in the conditions of expansion of networks 3G and 4G, position cardinally changes. All lacks of data transmission on vocal and a sms-channels leave in the past and there is a possibility of transfer of huge streams of the information from object to destination. Cardinal change in the approach of creation and development of systems of monitoring therefore is expected. It doesn't mean that the cellular communication system completely gets rid of lacks the main things from which still have total absence of noise immunity. For this reason application of channels of cellular communication for systems of protection, search and returning of the stolen cars, to put it mildly, doesn't maintain criticism.

IT Solutions
Copyright: Mr. Dmitry Ivanov, 2009-2025
Contact details Рейтинг